1 Samuel 25-2 Samuel 18: Many angles to fall, only one angle to stand
I like to ask the question - "What is the most important asset in your organization?" Regardless of industry or background, the usual reply is "People." Here's my follow-up: "What gives you the biggest headache in your organization?", the response is almost instantaneous - "People!" Managing people is a messy business - when it works, it works really well but when it goes south, well - it can really go bad, real fast. In 1 Samuel 25 to 2 Samuel 18, we enjoy seeing the rise of Saul and later on David, how they move from being the underdog to the position of prominent leadership. However, for both Saul and David, when leaders fall, they really fall - in the words of G.K. Chesterton, “It is always simple to fall; there are an infinity of angles at which one falls, only one at which one stands." Connecting the dots Personally, I find it a sobering experience reading through 1 and 2 Samuel because there was so much potential for good to happ...