Ezra & Nehemiah: Return and restoration
For the coming week, both of Ezra and Nehemiah will be read one after another because they represent a different season in Israel's life as a nation. Up till Ezekiel, the emphasis was on the exile and repentance, now it is about the return from exile with restoration is the goal. Israel as a nation has faced various consequences for their failure in keeping their obligations to the covenant but none was as severe as the exile, the very promised land which was their dream since the exodus from Egypt is now taken forcefully away from them! Read Leviticus 26:31-35 which outlined the exile as a penalty for disobedience. Here's what's interesting - do you know why the Babylonian exile was for 70 years? Connecting the dots The Jews had been in the promised land for roughly 800 years, and for 490 years, they disobeyed his Sabbath rest and based on the law that the land is to be "rested" every 7th year (Lev 25:2-4; 26:33-35), there is an accumulated 70 years of "unfu...