Ecclesiastes & Song of Songs: Life and love does not come in neat packages
Victor Frankl in his book, Man's Search for Meaning, wrote - "man's search for meaning may arouse inner tension rather than inner equilibrium. However, precisely such tension is an indispensable prerequisite of mental health." Be prepared to feel the inner tension from Qohelet , the teacher/author of Ecclesiastes who is traditionally assigned to be King Solomon since he is introduced as "the son of David, king in Jerusalem." (Eccl 1:1). Furthermore, the types of projects embarked on by the author (construction of houses, gardens, parks, purchase of slaves, flocks, and herds, collection of gold and silver) can only be executed by someone with royal resources. In addition to meaning, the other great object that we search for is ... Love. In Song of Songs (in Hebrew, the noun itself can be used as an adjective, hence instead of saying "the best of songs", it is described as "Song of Songs"). The caution in reading this book is that we alle...