Isaiah 45-66: The gospel message has always been there
Isaiah is a challenging read because you have to be constantly switching timelines as you read history, present day narrative, and prophecy all within chapters and verses of each other. As a prophet, Isaiah would be forthtelling (being God's mouthpiece to present situations) and also foretelling (being God's channel to reveal future events). In addition, Isaiah would also remind Israel concerning their on-going covenantal relationship with Yahweh. No wonder, in his vision of God's holiness. Isaiah experienced a cleansing of his lips (Isa 6:7) so that he is dedicated as God's spokesperson. As you read through the closing sections of Isaiah this week from chapters 45-66, don't read it with the frame of mind thinking - "how does this apply to me?" Rather, read with the main goal of observing the hand of Yahweh at work in the history of Israel, and also the world. Once we observe history flowing in the direction of God's sovereignty and His glory, we will ...